Monday, June 23, 2008

found films friday is fucking frustrating

i know its not friday. i just like fs

fffffffffffffffffffffor fucks sakes

didnt warn you guys about this upload since i got this a day before i knew i was going to be seeing my uncle andy to help him move some giant-ass rocks from home depot to his home backyard (its where his home his)...i figured i could kill two birds with one stone and get my hands on the projector and get this sucker uploaded ASAP while i was there

this is a pretty video. i love model planes, and one of my great uncles literally had a garage with a fucking squadron of keeping that in mind, there isnt a lot here...not the way im used to

its grainy, so its hard to tell if theres a swoop from another plane going on before the see a bright slash of something, then a cut back to your protagonists plane. kind of uneventful, though maybe a dogfight specialist could get some aeranautical (sp?) juju out of it

i have to admit, i think im going to skip out on the film purchases from here on out. i know theyre cheap, but i dont think i can look at another shed or a t-bird getting waxed or (IM NOT KIDDING) a kids gums and teeth with and without braces...that was the worst thing ive seen ever. these things are cheap as shit, but the effort to find out how much they should be $2 takes a lot out of me...(they should be $2 when they shouldnt be $1, seriously)

if i had my uncles projectors in the apartment, it wouldnt be so bad. but driving to see family, play around with the kids, shoot shit with my uncle, maybe help him drill some holes in the garage and keep a level for the shelving...all those costs on top of the films are starting to make them less worth it

ill keep you posted if i see something cool, but most of the cool stuff ive seen has been about like all the stuff ive posted...not cool


stir.max.alot said...

are you sure that the thing at 14 secs is a model plane? looks like a scalar flash...send me a higher res still... i have a buddy in the navy who might be able to give it a closer look.

L-Scott said...

I think it actually was THE Flash. See, if you'll note the hint of crimson going through the sky (which is NOT Superman, because HE isn't real, also because Superman is not CANON) you'll detect an astrometric borphology which indicates a consistency with his ability to harness gravimentron ionization to achieve escape velocity with his fastology.

Anyway, don't give up, EC. I know a lot of these have been a bit of a letdown, but one of these days I know you're going to stumble across some antique amateur pornography, and I NEED that. I'm one well-scrubbed brunette '60s housemaid with a crinoline around her waist and a finger in her butt away from convincing Cindy that playing dress up for sodomy is a perfectly wholesome thing that even pretty young homemakers were doing when our parents were just tots.